Thursday, 29 November 2012

Choosing the right article.

For one of my more interesting assignments in college, I was tasked with choosing from a number of magazine articles and creating an accompanying illustration. These were the most interesting ones I found..


Apparently I was the only one to choose this article.

Sunday, 25 November 2012


For life drawing we were asked to do 3 portraits with some kind of contextual theme derived from their character.
I decided to draw my Brother. He plays a lot of video games and, like me, is more inclined to cool temperatures and prefers darker environments to brightly lit ones.
As far as figure studies or life drawing goes, these aren't a very good example of it. When left to my own devices, I tend toward a a dark graphic/comic book style that often flattens things out and looses the line work and sense of depth, form and weight.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

The Walking Dave

 I found a few pictures of two occasions where I dressed up as a zombie. The second set employed SFX wax. It was not easy to work with as it never really solidified when it was applied in room temperature. It was for a Zombie Walk on a very sunny day so it had melted by the time I got home. It became a game of "who didn't know a zombie walk was on today?". There was a couple of hundred zombies taking over the streets. Good times.

Something about the melting wax makes it creepier than the torn flesh. There were bits of me falling off all over Dublin. It was awesome.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

A few new paintings.

The three Batman paintings are about A3 size and those I'm trying to sell . The lounging lady was a custom commission piece which was about A2 in size.